Writing Drama (4)

Yves Lavandier’s book Writing Drama currently rates as the absolute favorite of our book reviewer Jack Brislee. To give you the opportunity to delve into Lavandier’s amazing knowledge and insight, we will be publishing a weekly excerpt from the book. How to Write Comedy […] theoretical considerations may not be amusing in themselves, but despite … Read more

Monomyth for Gamers

Story Department intern Rusty asked: “all over the blog, I keep reading about the Hero’s Journey. At the risk of sounding dumb, is this a book I have not yet read, or simply terminology I have yet to come across?” If he is asking, there’s probably more of you.

It’s nice how one intern is really helping the other, as Louise Tan found this great piece on The Hero’s Journey (or Monomyth) for game developers.

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Don’t Try This At Home

Energized by the words of the Guru, the screenwriter heads home and starts rewriting like mad. Never did she deliver a draft so great, so quickly. Amazing what you can do, when riding the wave of an inspiring seminar or script workshop! Dangerous. And wrong. Believe me, this is about the worst way to spend … Read more

The Timid Screenwriter (1)

I reread Stephen King’s how-to diatribe, On Writing. In fact, I read quite a few grammar books as a refresher and to help spice up my articles for Script Magazine. With respect to King, I’m sorry. The more I read his book, the more I disagree. His book is more pokable than the Pillsbury Doughboy. … Read more

Best o/t Web 20 Jun

:: Blogger Joshua Patterson on horror movies.
:: Christopher Nolan not crazy for 3D.
:: Never a smash hit, always a guilty pleasure.
:: Tweet all you want, it’s all about story.
:: Central story set up: the plan.
:: The Karate Kid: what director Harald Zwart has to say.
:: An inside look at script judging.
:: Incorporating emotion into character description, stay in the moment.
:: Mattel property to be written by Smallville duo: Monster High.

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