Unity of Action (3)

At the end of Act Two of Die Hard, John McClane is effectively faced with his own self (note the shot composition and what he is actually facing) to review his own character and dig deep for a solution to achieve his unconscious goal. By Nir Shelter  At this point the audience wants him to … Read more

Unity of Action (2)

Breaking the principle of unity of action is a directorial decision, not a writer’s one. For one reason or another a director may decide it prudent to break the flow of a story and change the pace. By Nir Shelter Breaking a Unity of Action The writer must provide a consistent flow of action for … Read more

Unity of Action

Often discussions about taste in film boil down to subjectivity. But, however broad a definition of good or bad may be, there are commonalities to most qualitative measurements, regardless of personal taste. The principle ‘unity of action’ is one. By Nir Shelter What Unity of Action Is and How It Works My definition of ‘Unity … Read more

I Don’t Believe In Scripts (2)

Many films produced at UTS by students were undisciplined attempts at story telling, seemingly without methodology. In fact, considering the subject’s structure, students were all but encouraged to defy story-telling conventions rather than learn them. Many times teachers would tell students to take the camera and: “experiment with the form”, “explore the art” or my … Read more