I woke up this morning and the site had a purple look and feel to it! It’s not an early April Fool’s joke, just proof that the transition from Melbourne (AU) to Culver City (CA) was successful. We’re now looking at the new Story Department servers with Media Temple in the heart of Screenland.
If you’re in the US like most of the Story Dept. visitors, you will have noticed your browsing is now lightning fast.
If you’re in Australia, you shouldn’t notice any difference. If you do, please tell us!
Behind the scenes there were a few other good reasons why we made the transition.
With the increasing traffic (400% in a year!) we had almost reached the maximum allowable bandwidth – that’s the amount of information shooting over the interwebs when you’re browsing. Now we should be comfortable for a long time.
With our increased security, you won’t be seeing the occasional problems that decorated the site over the past few years. Like when the homepage turned into a massive porn directory. This happened two years ago, right on a day we had more visitors than ever before. Go figure…
Finally, the guys at Media Temple never sleep. If the site goes down on Friday night, we won’t have to wait until Monday morning to see it fixed.
In a way, our site transfer signals the next stage of growing to maturity for The Story Department.
So enjoy the purple day!
UPDATE 07.50PM: Almost everything seems to be working a treat. Even visitors from Australia seem to have a FASTER browsing experience. Wow!!
We’re just waiting for the TweetMeme button to update to the new site URL, which should happen in the next 24hrs or so. Meanwhile, you can share the news via Facebook.
If you find anything that is still not working, please let us know!
Karel Segers wrote his first produced screenplay at age 17. Today he is a story analyst with experience in acquisition, development and production. He has trained students worldwide, and worked with half a dozen Academy Award nominees. Karel speaks more European languages than he has fingers on his left hand, which he is still trying to find a use for in his hometown of Sydney, Australia. The languages, not the fingers.
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i would like to see that directory in homepage, anyway.
Just kiddin. (or noot?)
however, it’s better, thank you and Media Temple guys. they deserve a confortable sleep now.
Congrat’s on the move. Though, this speaks more about the shocking slow internet infrastructure we have here in Australia than anything else.
Very true. A friend explained the speed: there’s a direct pipe from Sydney to LA, which means I’m having a better experience than when the host was in Melbourne. Figure that.
BTW I love your blog post today. I had an Avatar related-item almost-ready-to-go but just didn’t have the time. Will be for next year. :)