Here’s my weekly selection from the blogosphere. Feel free to recommend anything or give your feedback in the Questions and Comments below.
And don’t forget you can subscribe to our posts so you don’t miss any of this, ever.
- Just in: Roman Polanski arrested in Switzerland on 31yr old warrant.
- Something for those who don’t hold the MacGuffin in high esteem.
- The difference between treatment and outline? Scott Meyers explains
- The line between negotiation and exploitation? Alex Epstein on rights.
- Scarlett: ‘What’s my motivation here?’ Woody: ‘Your salary’.
- Great writing: emotion exploding out of a few simple lines.
- Soderbergh’s Informant: based on a true story, Kottke found out.
- Aronofsky plans movie based on Securitas heist. I want to see it.
- Save money and a trip to the cinema. Cody’s ‘Body’ on MyPDFscripts.
- I once met with Greenaway. Cool guy, mean artist. Not a filmmaker.
- Soderbergh was in Sydney last week. What was he doing here?
- Thompson’s much quoted piece on the Toronto ’09 “blood bath”.
- Did the Toronto Film Fest wrap-up worry you? Here’s more.
COMING SOON to the Story Department:
- Structural breakdown of THE UNTOUCHABLES
- Paul Gulino: Screenwriting, the Deadline Approach.
- The Fastest Pass: Improve your script in less than an hour.
Karel Segers wrote his first produced screenplay at age 17. Today he is a story analyst with experience in acquisition, development and production. He has trained students worldwide, and worked with half a dozen Academy Award nominees. Karel speaks more European languages than he has fingers on his left hand, which he is still trying to find a use for in his hometown of Sydney, Australia. The languages, not the fingers.
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