Story & Structure
:: How a good script can become a bad movie
Script Perfection
:: Screenwriting Tips: Speed
:: 2 stories about ourselves
:: Tim Powers on research
Pitching & Selling
:: How much do writers make on DVD sales?
Best of the Rest
:: Every Michael Bay movie under a minute
:: 20 best taglines from the last 30 years of movies
:: Plot device and cheap VFX
:: Is Terrence Malick assuming Stanley Kubrick’s mantle?
:: Gripping on Reservoir Dogs
With thanks to Adrian.
Lapped up “Cars 2”, didn’t analyse, just let it wash over me. Quite extraordinary. Sure got my money’s worth! Apart from anything else, loved that they’ve added an Australian character and voice. Apparently this character changes nationality for each (major) market. Plus a wonderful Toy Story short beforehand.