:: Martin Scorcese on story versus plot.
:: Stuck for ideas? Look around you in everyday life.
:: The psychological process from disunity to unity, Inception’s elements.
:: The key to presenting religion in science fiction.
:: A look at scene description: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
:: Young Adult and Diablo Cody.
:: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Spielberg script.
:: Interview with screenwriter Alex Litvak.
:: The benefits of reading aloud, hear your story.
Best o/t Web 13 May
Story & Structure :: B Story is the Answer :: 10 Possible Reasons Your Script Is Boring :: Script Review: The Wolf Of Wall Street :: Synopsis: Stephen King’s The Shining Sequel ‘Doctor Sleep’ :: Prometheus Writer Jon Spaihts: How to Create a Great Space Script Perfection :: “If you’re having trouble “seeing” your characters, … Read more