Easy Rider Will Tell You Something About Subtext

Easy Rider shows how subtext is not what most teachers and gurus tell you it is. Many mistake subtext with non-verbal communication. It is true that most of our communication is non-verbal, but when you can write this well, it doesn’t mean you master subtext. I believe we need to re-think the oversimplified secrets-and-lies approach to subtext. Robert McKee … Read more

Video: Jay O’Callahan

Sometimes we need to stop for a moment and think about what we're really doing. We're telling stories.

As filmmakers, our stories are not in the first place for ourselves; they are for an audience.

Jay O'Callahan has a great story to illustrate how the listener played a role in coming up with his story. If you have 15mins, this is a video worth watching.


Jay O'Callahan: The Power of Storytelling from 99% on Vimeo.

With thanks to Adrian Kok.

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