:: Happy Valentine! Mernit and the Revenge of the Romantic
:: Download the Moonstruck script at MyPDFscripts.com
:: The Dorothy Effect: travelling to another world.
:: It’s now Denis Lehane, Screenwriter.
:: Bill Martell’s stalker story. Or isn’t it? Part 1.
:: Low budget writing is not always the answer.
:: A 3-act short story in only 52 secs.
:: Psycho’s problem with the censors.
:: Interview with Ben Ripley, writer of Source Code.
:: Emily Blake on character introductions.
:: Chris Nolan’s 3rd Batman movie confirmed.
:: Terminator Rebooted and Recycled.
:: Ratatouille, Star Wars and the need for Perspective
:: Alex Epstein: Conveniences vs. Conventions.
:: Science Fiction writers get better with age.
:: Just too many great scripts to list this week at MyPDFscripts.com
:: Alexandra Sokoloff reminds us: What is High Concept?
:: John August’s 10 hints for Index Cards.
Make Our Myths
What is the motivation for our films? How does the Australian film industry maintain its identity in this new age of filmmaking? What should a screenwriter focus on in order to catch the audience? The purpose of Australian feature film production, I propose, is not to tell our own stories. The purpose of our feature … Read more