Story & Structure
:: “Never Write Timidly”
:: What if Wes Anderson made Batman reboot?
:: Interview with ‘Bullhead’ Director Michael Roskam
:: A Dangerous Method Review
Script Perfection
:: Screenwriting Tips: Real-life Conversations Go Round in Circles
:: Karel Segers Screenwriting Basics Workshop – The 2012 Australian Film Festival
:: Karel Segers Screenwriting Basics Workshop – Coogee Legion Club
:: Fountain – Screenwriting Program Without Software
Pitching & Selling
:: Hollywood’s First Spec Script
:: LaTulippe Set to Direct Paramount Comedy
:: Harrison Ford Returning in Blade Runner Sequel?
:: TV Pilots 2012: The Complete Guide
:: DreamWorks & Working Title Remaking Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Rebecca’
Best of the Rest
:: Non Signatory Agents – Complications Ensue
:: 5 Things Learned from Whedon’s ‘Avengers’ Twitter Chat
:: What not to do when trying to be funny
:: The Dark Secret Behind Romantic Comedies
:: Alex Proyas’ ‘Paradise Lost’ Officially Shutdown
With thanks to Jamie C.
Jamie Campbell is an author, screenwriter, and television addict.
Jamie is proud to be an Editor for The Story Department.
Her latest series Project Integrate is out now.