Every week I make an attempt to plough through 1,000+ headlines of blogs and entertainment web sites. What I think could be interesting or useful to you, I tweet to @ozzywood. Out of those, @Miss_Little_Jay selects the best for you here, every Sunday.
Story & Structure
:: Screenplay review: The Grey
:: Movie Review: The Grey
:: Impressive: The Stanford Prison Experiment
:: How the Return of the Jedi Should Have Ended
:: Advice You Might Not Want To Hear
Script Perfection
:: 10 Writing “Rules” More Science Fiction Authors Should Break
:: Learning to Write Good Loglines From Others’ Mistakes.
:: Is Your Straight Man Too Straight?
:: “Every Screenplay That Doesn’t Sell, is an Opportunity to Figure Out What Went Wrong.”
:: The 10 best last lines – in pictures.
Pitching & Selling
:: Francis Ford Coppola On Risk, Money, Craft
:: ‘Man on a Ledge’ Screenwriter Finds Success
:: Why Haven’t I Hit Yet?
Best of the Rest
:: Screenplay Review: He’s Fucking Perfect
:: Placing Too Much Importance on Passion
:: Dorff Stuck in a Car Trunk in Trailer for ‘Brake’
:: Sundance Festival Falls Short of Expectations
With thanks to Jamie C.
Jamie Campbell is an author, screenwriter, and television addict.
Jamie is proud to be an Editor for The Story Department.
Her latest series Project Integrate is out now.