Two Dee Or Not Two Dee

If you go see only one movie this year, let it be Toy Story 3. (People say I might change my mind in a few weeks after seeing Inception, but I doubt it.) Toy Story 3 scores on every level and it scores very, very highly. I have ranted about my experience with 3D movies … Read more

The Art of Romantic Comedy

Karel Segers attended the Michael Hauge/Steve Kaplan double bill in Sydney and Vi Truong did the same in Melbourne. We have mixed our reviews of the event in order to give you a more or less balanced report of both weekends. Karel Segers: I was looking forward to his weekend because I find Michael Hauge … Read more

For the Love of the Blog

On Friday I was a guest again on Larry Jordan’s Digital Production Buzz, a talk radio on digital production. I’ve learned to be suspicious on those days because it seems each time disaster strikes. . Last time, back in 2008, my home page was hacked within hours after the show, just when the exposure was … Read more

Do you have the tools?

One of Celtx’s first three new “Learning Templates” is a tool pack for script development: “The Writer’s Development Kit”. I can highly recommend it, not only because of its ridiculously low price, but also because I wrote it.(*) There has been a lot of confusion about the terms logline, synopsis, and treatment so I try to shed some light on those as … Read more