Structure: Raising Arizona

While True Grit has become the biggest hit ever for the Coen brothers, let’s go back and look at their breakthrough hit. Raising Arizona was released twenty-four years ago and made $29m worldwide, then exceptional for an indie. Quite often I see filmmakers take liberties with conventional structure, quoting the success of independent filmmakers who … Read more

Best o/t Web 22 Aug

:: Joss Whedon discusses Captain America
:: Facebook meddles with Social Network script
:: In praise of Toy Story 3 (and Pixar as a whole)
:: Francois Truffaut’s last interview
:: Check the Box Office prediction model before you start
:: Best comic book adaptation: Road to Perdition
:: The Zombie version of Assault On Precinct 13
:: Chinese remake Coen’s Blood Simple
:: Fighting leaks: Watermarking for script security.
:: Act three and the art of the universal ending.
:: Justin Adler’s The Escort ranks impressive.
:: Screenwriter Walter Hill on writing movies.
:: Angelina Jolie & George Clooney set for Marilyn Monroe film.
:: The cliche conundrum, can you make it work?
:: A look at 10 past scripts and their box office results.

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