[Video]: JJ Abrams Time Interview


Jeffrey Jacob Abrams, the rapidly ascending writer-director-producer and one-time protege to Spielberg, is probably better known simply as ‘JJ’. In an interview with Time Magazine, he discusses what initially attracted him to producing the Star Trek movie, and why he fell in love with it so hard that he had to direct it. If you … Read more

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Video: JJ Abrams About Myth Making

In this short video, JJ Abrams talks about how to tap into an audience, mixing genres and (without calling it so) myth.

He explains how he doesn’t want to see a movie about war or terrorism but rather something larger than life.

What JJ Abrams means is really how he wants to tell mythological stories and transcend reality while still talking about our reality. He also talks about the influence of  Jaws and Alien on Cloverfield.

With thanks to Louise Lee Mei and Niels Abercrombie.

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