[Video]: THR Producer Roundtable

‘Everything that could go wrong was going wrong, I was sort of dead man walking in Hollywood, like, yeah that guy’s getting fired… and on the other hand, everything about the movie was great… the only decision I ever really made was to say ‘keep going.’ That our only hope of coming out alive was … Read more

[Video]: Inside Pixar

‘What if we could somehow take these feelings – fear, sadness, disgust, joy… and make them into characters? If we do this right, it could be like our version of the Seven Dwarves… Each of them has a very distinct, definite, and very caricatured way of approaching the world…‘ Pixar’s Pete Docter discusses Pixar and … Read more

[Video]: George Miller Fury Road

‘I would hope that I’ve changed… I know that cinema’s changed, I know that we speed read movies now compared to forty years ago. Road Warrior 1,200 shots, this movie has 2,700 shots… the average block buster is between 2,000 and 3,000 shots. The first Jurassic Park had no more than 950 shots, I think… … Read more