Writing a doco treatment that sells

Writing for documentary is a complex area. Natasha Gadd gives us an insight into the oddities, challenges and benefits of the craft. There are no templates for writing documentary treatments, no pre-given formulas. It can involve a script (not unlike a fictional narrative script), a story outline, a treatment, a creative brief or an audio-visual … Read more

A Filmmaker Speaks (2): Making It.

Soft Fruit

Award winning writer/director Christina Andreef has seen it all – not getting into film school, working with Jane Campion’s and finally seeing her own films at Cannes and Sundance.

Cleo Mees spoke with Christina about writing for the screen and seeing her screenplays through the production process.

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A Filmmaker Speaks (1): Writing it.

Soft Fruit, dir. Christina Andreef, 2000

Award winning writer/director Christina Andreef has seen it all – not getting into film school, working with Jane Campion and finally: seeing her own films at Cannes and Sundance.

Cleo Mees spoke with Christina about writing for the screen and seeing her screenplays through the production process.

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