[Video]: John Cleese on Creativity

The acerbically witty John Cleese, one of the most prolific members of the British cult classic sketch show Monty Python’s Flying Circus, discusses the nature of creativity, what stimulates it, and the concept of switching between creative and productive modes. Your money back if you don’t laugh. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VShmtsLhkQg&w=613&h=385] If you liked this, check out … Read more

[The Dept Revisited]: Structuring the Facts

Turning real events into a working screen drama is a hell of a challenge. Whether it be a historical movie, biopic or docu-drama, the smart screenwriter stays true to the spirit of the subject, not the newsroom version of the events. by Karel Segers The principals of drama must dictate how the story is (re-)structured. … Read more

Video: Robert McKee monologues on Dialogue

Robert McKee is known for his Story weekend and his “Ten Commandments” of screenwriting. In this video, the screenwriting guru shoots from the hip about the 10 mortal sins that makes good dialogue go bad. If you liked this, check out more videos about screenwriting or filmmaking. And if you know of a great video … Read more