5 Reasons Why Loglines Are Incredibly Important


Loglines can predict failures. This week, I watched a movie where the writer had not adopted critical notes. The film failed. I’m not saying that it would have succeeded if he had heeded the advice. If only things were that simple. The draft I read could be summarised in a one sentence logline. Based on that logline, … Read more

Is It Done? 7 Signs You’re Ready To Sell Your Script

There’s no greater insecurity than the doubts that keep you from selling your creative work. Is it good? Is it great? Or is it useless? Should I show it to anyone? To whom? Is it ready to sell? I have found that as someone’s experience grows, often so does their insecurity about the state of their scripts. Many newbies are overeager to … Read more

Fantastic Story Ideas [And Where To Find Them]

This post is about fantastic story ideas, not just any story idea. It is about finding the gems, and not settling for the duds. Tomorrow I will help you assess those ideas. Today we will talk about how and where to find them. I have worked in the creative industries for over 30 years now, and I can tell … Read more

7 Reasons Why Spotlight Shouldn’t Have Been Made

People go to the movies to be entertained. The emerging screenwriter should rule out writing scripts for any other reason than that. Like Spotlight. This film should not have been made. Even with its impressive cast, at the time of writing it only grossed about $40m, which is barely what you would expect the production budget to be. Why Spotlight … Read more

Where Is Your Portfolio Website? [Marketing For Screenwriters]

Build it and they will come, right? In other words: just write an amazing screenplay, and producers will start hassling you. Well, not really. And I’m not the only one to disagree with Kevin Costner’s character in Field Of Dreams. We live in the age of noise. Everyone is trying to get your attention. TV … Read more