Scrivener: The Sexy vs. The Practical

Word processors are designed for writing. We’ve all used Word and similar designer babies but it’s not often we really push the limits of our software. But then, is there any need to push those limits if the program can do what you want it to? by Dave Trendall Does sexy equal practical? The number … Read more

FD8 – Need it or just want it?

I have used the new release of Final Draft on and off for a couple of months now and I am reasonably satisfied  with it. I have installed version 8.0.0.,  the latest available version at the time of writing. Because I work with clients who use a variety of software, I often find myself converting … Read more

Technology and Screenwriting 2.0

In our series about screenwriting software, the people behind some of the leading titles contribute to this blog. Our guest this week is Eric McDonald, CEO of While screenwriting is rarely credited as a driver of new technology, it certainly benefits from technical innovation.  Screenwriters have enjoyed continuous improvement in the tools that allow them … Read more

From One to Many

In a series about screenwriting software, some of the main screenwriting software titles out there will contribute an article to The Story Department. We open the series with Mark Kennedy, CEO of Celtx. “Just a few days ago, we released version 2.0 of the Celtx software. A lot of people don’t quite get what Celtx … Read more

How important are format and style?

The first step for many aspiring screenwriters is to purchase a piece of pricey screenwriting software. Some call it retail therapy. You are not a screenwriter until you have made that sacrifice, until you have invested money in your career, right? I call it a waste of $250. Your first draft should be a quick … Read more