Chariots Of Fire Revisited [Running With Synthesizers]

In Writing Screenplays that Sell, Michael Hauge singles out Chariots Of Fire (1981) as a cinematic outlier. It was an unlikely movie to generate big box office. Why? It is a biographical period piece, lacks high concept, and is set outside the US. Chariots of Fire was hugely successful, though. It ended up making nearly $60 … Read more

Screenwriting Expo – Day 1

Producer/scribe James Nicholas flew from Sydney to L.A. to attend the Screenwriting Expo. He generously reports back about his brush with the Gurus and any lesser Gods. Upon entering the convention centre, the air is filled with anticipation as the budding writers fill the smallish and rather cramped Wilshire Grand meeting area. One can’t help … Read more

When the script and story gurus speak

Most ‘gurus’ each have their own area of expertise and angle of attack, they each follow their own agenda. And with every new light shed on the craft, different people may see that light. Don’t they ever contradict each other? And if they do, which truth do YOU choose? Screenwriting is a dynamic craft. What … Read more

NCS ’09: What did I miss?

Tracy Richardson is a former Story Department student and client whose debut script LIGHTING UP has been moving forward steadily since being selected a finalist in a national pitching competition back in 2006. Last year she worked with Michael Hauge as part of Inscription. Last month Tracy traveled South to attend the NSC in Adelaide. … Read more